Building a more
inclusive society
Our driving force is the important need to close the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor, enabling access to finance, education and basic healthcare services in every community.

Our Vision
A society where all persons have the opportunity and capacity to access and provide for their basic needs.
Our Mission
To touch lives through community development, women empowerment, medical interventions and promotion of the holistic well being of children most especially the girl child.
Our core goal
Changing the narrative for rural communities
U-TOLF was created for women, most importantly for those in the rural area and our children; especially the girl child and the elderly in our community, with little or no access to basic health care,of which the driving force for U-TOLF formation is the urgent need to close the ever-widening gap between the very rich and the poor in our community.
Get Involved
Finally, We encourage you to join our efforts by getting involved with U-Tolf, whether as a beneficiary or our benefactor,you can equally volunteer or your organization be the philanthropic donor.