Provision of Sick Bays to Schools
Sick bays are mini clinics for schools. Ideally, it is a room equipped with hospital beds, medical equipment for checking vital signs, drugs, etc. This facility caters to school children who are ill in school. Children who are unwell in school or suffer minor injuries are treated by a qualified full-time nurse in the school Sick Bay. The sickbay is fully stocked with the necessary drugs and first aid equipment to ensure that all emergencies are dealt with in the best possible way at the school.
In Enugu, U-TOLF observed that many (especially boarding) schools either do not have a sick bay or have an ill-equipped sick bay and hence children suffer the risk of travelling several miles to receive basic medical care or resort to unconventional and dangerous means of treatment.
To address this problem, U-TOLF embarked on projects to provide and equip schools with sick bays. The first of this project took place at Ukey-Ubeagu Community Secondary School in Mbu Community, Aninri Local Government Area in Enugu. A school bay was erected and commissioned. It was equipped with beds, refrigerator, scales, first aid box, couches, waiting bench, etc and in subsequent years has been providing materials for equipping sick bays.